5 Reasons You Don't Need a Green Thumb to Love House Plants


Do you feel like, no matter how hard you try, all of your attempts at house plants just don't work out? Well, the good news is that it's possible to enjoy a beautifully green home without having a green thumb. That's right! You can learn to appreciate and reap the benefits of house plants in more ways than one - even if you have a history of brown thumbs when it comes to keeping them alive. In this post, we'll showcase five reasons why upgrading your space with luscious foliage doesn't require hours spent trying to get every potting mix recipe perfect or memorizing plant tags. Read on so that you can start loving your indoor garden - sans green thumb!

1.       Plants Help to Improve Your Mental Health

 Plants naturally help to heal. Research has continuously proven plants to be an excellent source of physical and mental therapeutic benefits. The vibrant colors that plants exude are known to bring a sense of calm and healing energy into the environment, ultimately benefitting our mental health in more ways than one. According to studies correlating plants with mental wellbeing, being near plants can reduce stress levels, lift depression, and help promote focus and concentration.

2.       Plants Help to Improve Your Air Quality

 Did you know that plants are not just beautiful decorations, but essential air purifiers? Studies have shown that plants help to reduce air pollution, improve air quality, and in turn, help with air-related health issues. The bacteria and viruses stick around the home, leading to a higher chance of you getting ill when the season change. With ample air circulation and enough plants in an area, air pollutants can be reduced such as dust, smoke particles, and even carbon dioxide. This can lead to an improved living environment with numerous health benefits such as a decrease of lung inflammation and sinus congestion! So next time you're looking for ways to clean your air space, think about adding some plants! 

3.       Plants Help Sharpen Your Attention (SN: Not the fake ones, even though they are so pretty.)

 Recent studies have shown that surrounding yourself with plants can significantly improve your focus and attention. Working in a space that includes different types of green vegetation has proven to be more productive than traditional office spaces, allowing for more efficient decision-making and creative problem solving. Additionally, the health benefits from being around plants can range from having more energy and reducing stress, to absorbing more oxygen which sharpens our alertness. As such, it's clear that incorporating more plants into our lives can vastly improve our ability to pay attention.

4.       Plants Help You Recover from Illness Faster

 Ever wonder why so many people send flowers to their loved ones when they are ill? Studies have shown that people who are surrounded by plants or people who are regularly exposed to plants, often experience faster and improved recovery from illnesses. In fact, people send flowers to their loved ones when they are feeling ill as a sign of care, although there is now evidence to suggest that this tradition has much more meaning than just providing support. For example, it may surprise you to find out that even the most common household plants can actually help speed up the recovery process and reduce stress.

5.       Plants Help You Improve Relationships in Your Life

Wouldn't you love to find ways to improve the relationships in your life? Of course! ;) Plants are certainly the way to do that. Yes, I’ll take those beautiful white calla lilies, they are my fav! When you get plants, you get a sense of compassion. There's another little living thing in your home to care for. You end up feeling empathy for the plants, which can in return lead to a sense of compassion and empathy for other people in your life.

Greenery is associated with life and rejuvenation can bring those feelings into a healthy home. Don't let your fear of killing another houseplant keep you from effortlessly and organically decorating with these beauties:

  • Aloe vera

  • Chinese evergreen

  • Jade plant

  • Snake plant

  • Cacti

  • Succulents

Each of these can withstand temperature changes, your forgetfulness, and small amounts of water.

If you want to add a touch of nature to your home decor, consider decorating with plants. Installing hanging planters in areas with high ceilings or placing them on book shelves are great ways to fill voids in a corner or add them to your vignette arrangement. There are various places you can put plants in the home, such as by the window, around the bathtub, or beneath furniture pieces. An interesting option is creating mini terrariums, which can look breathtaking when they’re lit up and given the right amount of sunlight. Whatever plant you choose and wherever it goes in your home, make sure that it’s not bigger than the intended space and it can thrive in its environment.

When watering your plants, make sure your watering can is less than half full to prevent flooding, especially if you are asking any little helpers to play gardener with you.

Human well-being is intrinsically tied to nature, known as the concept of "Biophilia". By creating biophilic design that bridges us with natural elements, we are able to inhabit healthy and productive spaces.

XOXO ~ Martha

If you want to change the way you feel in your space and you’re interested in learning more about wellbeing interior design, let’s connect!


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