3 Easy Ways to Create a Healthy Home Environment in 2023


As the new year rapidly approaches, many of us are filled with an abundance of emotions and a sense of excitement for what is yet to come; but at the same time, we are likely experiencing a range of anxieties due to uncertainty. Whether it's worrying about meeting goals and finding success or lacking direction in life all together, we all have something that weighs us down from moving forward. If this sounds like you, let it go - not just for 2022 but for beyond. Putting the past behind me and learning to take care of myself has been a life-changing journey. Creating a tranquil home was instrumental in helping me realize it's ok to put the world on pause and find some peace, one day at a time! After all, taking steps towards creating an atmosphere in your home that allows you to stay healthy—mentally, physically, and emotionally—can have significant positive impacts on every aspect of your life. Read on as we discuss ways that even the busiest people can foster a healthy home environment this new year! Here are 3 Easy Ways to Create a Healthy Home Environment in 2023.

#1. Declutter Your Home


A cluttered house can cause stress and anxiety. Try to take some time during the upcoming months to declutter by removing items that you no longer need or use. This will help create a space where you feel relaxed and comfortable. Don’t forget about digital clutter too! Make sure to clear out old emails, bookmarks, apps, or files that you no longer use or need.


#2. Make Time for Self-Care


This is especially important for busy professionals who are used to being on the go all day long. Make it a priority to carve out time for yourself so that you can practice self-care rituals such as yoga, meditation, reading a book, or taking a bath. Utilizing this “me-time” will help keep your mind focused and free of any negative energy during the upcoming year.


#3. Bring Nature Indoors


Nature has been shown to have calming effects on people's mental health so why not bring some into your home? Plants are great because they require minimal maintenance yet have such an impactful presence in any room they occupy. But if plants aren’t your thing there are always other options like adding natural elements like wood furniture or stone accents into your interior design scheme which can also help bring calming vibes into your living space.


Achieving better health isn’t just about diet and exercise; it's also about creating an environment where you can rest easy at night knowing that everything around you is clean and organized. So let’s get started today by following these tips so we can create healthy, happy, and relaxed homes now and beyond!

Happy New Year!

- XOXO, Martha

P.S. If you’re ready to make your home a healthy haven in the new year… we can help make it happen! Imagine coming home to a space that’s not only beautiful but also supports your physical and emotional health. It’s easier than you think. Click the link to schedule a chat for more information about our wellness interior design services!


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