The Science Behind Making Your Bed and How It Can Help Combat Mental Fatigue


Are you feeling emotionally and mentally exhausted? You’re not alone. In this day and age of the hustle, when it comes to managing your workload, we are all quite literally running on “E” empty that is. So how can you recharge amidst the demands? One small action could make a big difference - making your bed! It sounds too simple to be true but research is actually showing that having an orderly bedroom may just help revitalize your energy levels. Let's uncover what lies beneath the mattress by learning about the science behind it and how taking this one minor task each morning can prove beneficial for fighting back against mental fatigue.

The Power of Habits

Habits are powerful tools that can shape our lives in ways we don't even realize. In his book, The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg explains that habits are created by creating a “habit loop” — a three-step process consisting of cue, routine, and reward. By consistently following this three-step process, you create a habit that becomes automatic over time. When it comes to making your bed every morning, the cue is waking up in the morning😉 ; the routine is making the bed; and the reward is the satisfaction of having one task completed for the day.

The Benefits of Making Your Bed

Studies have shown that forming positive habits like making your bed every morning can lead to improved mental wellbeing. A study conducted at Northwestern University found that people who make their beds every morning are 19% more likely to report feeling happy throughout the day than those who don't. It also found that those who make their beds had an easier time managing their emotions and were more satisfied with their overall quality of life than those who didn't bother with this simple task.

Making your bed also has practical benefits beyond just improving your mental state. Studies have revealed that when people make their beds first thing in the morning they get into a productive mindset right away which helps them focus on other important tasks throughout the day such as work or school assignments. This leads to more productivity throughout the day which can lead to greater success in both personal and professional endeavors!

Making your bed may not be the most important thing in your life, but it can have a surprisingly positive effect on your day-to-day mood and attitude. If you’re struggling to find motivation for other tasks, start with making your bed and see if it doesn’t give you a boost of energy to tackle the rest of what’s on your plate. Do you make your bed every morning? How do you think it impacts your day? Let’s connect and you can share your thoughts!

~ XOXO Martha

Scientifically Designed creates wellness-focused interiors with a combination of modern, sustainable, and therapeutic designs that will reduce stress, improve sleep, foster creativity, and help create a sense of balance in your space. Every element is carefully selected for maximum effect – from color and pattern to materials and scent – all designed together to optimize both mental health and physical wellbeing. Our wellness-focused design plan also takes into account personal tastes as well as budget. Let us transform your living environment into one you love without having to break the bank. Contact us today for more information about how we can bring calmness back into your home.


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